Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oboedientia et Pax

"Look at the people entrusted to you and listen to their voices. What do they seek? What do they implore of you? Not these new monstrous instruments of war which our times have produced and which can annihilate us all -- not these, but peace."

…this was part of Pope John 23rd’s first public speech!
Born on he 25th of November 1881 to Giovanni Battista Roncalli and Marianna Guilia Mazzola, Angelo Giuseppe, Italian, was the first son and fourth child of a large family.

Coming from a very poor but hard working family he was heard joking: "There are three ways of ruining oneself -- women, gambling and farming. My father chose the most boring." ;-)

…these were the humble beginnings of him who would become
‘the Good Pope’
“He must become greater;
I must become less”
(Jn 3:30)

Angelo was an intelligent child and would have liked to enter seminary but he was poor. Hence he required sponsorship if he was to enter the same. Yet God, who is Providence, took care of that! In 1892, at the age of 11 years, the child entered the Bergamo Seminary.

Here Angelo, whilst retaining his pleasant and joyful character sought to humble himself in order to follow and serve God better:
"I really must humble myself at my own worthlessness. If only I could do at least this! I think of myself as a seraph and instead I am only a little Lucifer in my pride, and worse."
...he wrote!!!

On 10 August 1904, as Church bells announced, Angelo, along with fellow semenarians was ordained Priest and from then onwards his life would become a total gift to God and His people.

In 1905, the now ‘Don Angelo’, was appointed secretary to the (new) Bishop of Bergamo, Giacomo Maria Radini Tedeschi assisting him in most of anything he’d do including writing up formal papers and/or articles and going on pastoral and/or social visits. He was a good preacher and would teach (amongst other subjects) history and apologetics at the Pontifical Roman Seminary.

...This work would last some ten years....

When the First World War broke out, Don Angelo was drafted as a sergeant in the medical corps. For three years he would carry the wounded and be with them. He would joke and talk with them, bringing many back to the Faith and assisting in their spiritual needs.

When the war ended, he also opened a "Student House" for the spiritual needs of young people.
...kept himself quite busy huh?! ;-)
Well, he did even more!!!
(Such as:
serve as spiritual director of the Seminary and be the Italian president of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith at the Holy See.

…those jobs look rather important!!!!! ;-)
And then, for several years, Don Angelo served God and the Church in Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece respectively!

A Jewish Rabbi by the name of Isaac Herzog of Jerusalem wrote that through his work, “thousands of Jews were rescued." It seems that during his years in Greece, this good, smiling priest would do his best to help the now fleeing Jews. :-) He would, amongst other things, assist many escape by issuing "transit visas" from the Apostolic Delegation. (3 cheers for Bishop Angelo!!! ;-)


Well no i don't think he quite liked Mc Donalds (they weren't even around yet!!! ;-) but Don Angelo was already living their motto! ‘service with a smile’ seemed to be his order of the day!!! ;-)

Don Angelo, would do his work properly yet humbly and joyfully hence his motto: Oboedienta et Pax (obedience and peace).


After serving all these roles, in 1953, at seventy two years, Bishop Angelo was chosen Cardinal and called back to Venice as Patriarch. He, thinking that this was a prospect of ending his days in the direct care of souls was filled with joy! He thought it to be a chance to continue serving yet possibly in a little more peace! ;-) …but oh he was soooooooo very wrong!!! ;-)

Five years later, this (should I say poor, old ;-) immensely blessed priest was given a new role!!!! (Yep you guessed it! ;-) At seventy seven years of age God chose him to be Pope!!!!!

(…seems like God didn’t quite want to give him a break!!! ;-)


Well, having chosen the motto ‘Oboedentia et Pax’ he couldn’t quite refuse could he?! ;-) …but even should he have wanted to, he sure wouldn’t have. He was too humble and willing to serve God to refuse!!!!

And so it was!

Elected Pope on 28 October 1958 he chose the name ‘John’ …Jesus’ cousin who had prepared the way for Him, Jesus’ friend who cared to be with Jesus under His cross. …and his dad’s name ;-).


It seems that this Pope, though not quite young, was still full of life!! On Christmas day of the same year he went for an outing!!! ;-) Pope John 23rd visited the children in the Bambin Gesu hospital. :-)

“I Know you are the Pope,

but I cannot see you.

I love you a lot”

...said one blind little boy to him!

And the next day he went to the Regina Coeli Prison:

"I have come. You have seen me.

I have looked you in the eye.

I have set my heart close to your hearts."

...he told them!

"Though everyone said they wanted peace and harmony, unfortunately conflicts grew ore acute and threats multiplied. What should the Church do? ... Instead of issuing new warnings, shouldn't she stand out as a beacon of light? What could that exemplary light be?"

...he had said.


Pope John 23rd served as Pope for less than five years yet, though a short time, he did many works. He sought to unify the Church, bring forward social justice, and perhaps most importantly renew and sactify the Church. Hence, on the 11th of October 1962 he ‘launched’ the Second Vatican Council. He did not live to see it end, yet it was this very Council that allowed the Mass to be said in the vernacular and produced many of the various beautiful Church Documents we have today.
Now known as ‘The Good Pope’, John XXIII died on the evening of 3 June 1963 and beatified by Pope John Paul 2 on the 3rd of September 2000. The same Polish Pope spoke such of him:

"[Pope John XXIII] impressed the world with the friendliness of his manner which radiated the remarkable goodness of his soul"


The following are a few related links:
(An Encyclical titled Peace on Earth by the same Pope)
(A VERY informative site on the same Pope)
(The first of five you tubes which
briefly narrates the life of ‘The Good Pope’
All pictures, though often cropped, were found on internet and remain the property of their rightful owners.

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If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
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