Saturday, October 4, 2008

We Celebrate St. Francis of Assisi!

Many non-Catholic Christians, unfortunately and mistakenly,
have the impression that we Catholics worship statues! ...but we don't!!

Statues ...just like the many monuments we have all around us... are a reminder of great people! Only though, unlike the monuments, our Catholic statues do not remind us of politicians, artists or other people who have lived a successful life in the eyes of man. Catholic Statues remind us of people who were much greater than that!!!

through such statues,
are reminded of
(some of) those people who
have been as Jesus asked us to be!
Have loved as Jesus asked us to love!
In short: have led a life pleasing to God!
...a Truly Holy Life!

St.Francis of Assisi is definately one such and great example! Rejecting all wordly possessions and embracing poverty, he set out to LIVE the Gospel! Being faithful and obediant to God's Holy Word, he preached It not merely through words but more so through his example. Considering Nature a Divine Gift he cherished and cared for it and is today held Patron Saint of Ecology.

"Lord make me an instrument of your Peace!"

he prayed!
...and indeed may i so be too!

...i am thankful not only for this great saint
but even more so for his examples and family!
Today his family, the Franciscan Orders,
serve throughout all the world!
...and i am thankful that they have
and continue to serve in 'my' Parish too!!

"Indescribable! ...An Amazing God!"
St.Francis, Patron Saint of Ecology,
upon seeing the Beauty of Creation,
saw the Beauty of the Creator!
(Click the link for a gr8 song
which sees and praises God thru creation)

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
Click the picture to go to the page and to like it: your like counts!