Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Novena for the Unborn and for an end to abortion (Day 3)

Novena Day 3:

"Create in me, oh God, a pure heart;
give me a new and steadfast spirit.
Do not cast me away from Your Presence
nor take Your Holy Spirit from me."
(Psalm 51:12,13)
Reflection: Lord, the Psalmist was indeed right when he said: "Lord, how great are your deeds!" for though tiny in size, at just 22 days, the heart of an unborn child is already beating! At 6 weeks, an unborn child's heartbeat can be heard by ultrasound and this despite the fact that he/she is barely half a centimetre long!
Lord Jesus, the verse at the beginning wasn't about the unborn child. These unborn children already have pure and innocent hearts! No Lord, that verse is about me, about my neighbour, about my society and about us in general. Lord, we need pure hearts, hearts that go out for these little children, hearts that are courageous in the face of this tragedy and that will defend life so that no more heartbeats are stopped by abortion.
Today, stop to think about God's heart.
Think of how God's heart goes out for these children.
Think of how He must be deeply saddened by abortion
and think of how God wants you and me to do our utmost
to defend life, particularly that of the helpless and unborn.
God and Father of Life,
You have created every human person,
And have opened the way for each
to have eternal life.

We live in the shadow of death.
Tens of millions of your children
have been killed because of the
Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

have mercy on us,
Heal our world
And accept our offering
of prayer and penance.
In Your love for us,
Turn back the scourge of abortion. 

May each of us exult
in hearts full of hope
And hands full of mercy
And work together
to build a culture of life.

We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.
(This prayer is from the Priests for Life website,
May God continue to bless us through their work for life!)

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
Click the picture to go to the page and to like it: your like counts!