Sunday, January 20, 2013

Novena for the Unborn and for an end to abortion (Day 7)

Novena Day 7

"Can a mother forget her child and have
no compassion for the baby in her womb?..."
(Is 49:15)
click the picture if you'd like to read more testimonies
Reflection: Lord Jesus, no. No, a woman can never forget the baby her womb. A woman, whether right after an abortion or years later, upon realising what's really happened, regrets having had an abortion/s. Lord Jesus, women everywhere are hurt by this reality and tragedy. They live their lives unable to forget and requiring healing and lots of love and support. They live their lives thinking of what their sons and daughters would have become and yes Lord, they're hurting. Therefore Lord Jesus, heal these women we pray. Keep Your hand over them and help them forgive themselves. Help them to speak up too so that lives may be saved and no more women hurt.
Today, think of those women who have had an abortion.
Think also of the fathers, the siblings, the grandparents.
Think of how they all suffer when a child is killed
and pray for them to find healing and the
courage to speak up in favour of life.
God and Father of Life,
You have created every human person,
And have opened the way for each
to have eternal life.

We live in the shadow of death.
Tens of millions of your children
have been killed because of the
Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

have mercy on us, 
Heal our world
And accept our offering
of prayer and penance.
In Your love for us,
Turn back the scourge of abortion.
May each of us exult
in hearts full of hope
And hands full of mercy
And work together
to build a culture of life.

We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.
(This prayer is from the Priests for Life website,
May God continue to bless us through their work for life!)

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
Click the picture to go to the page and to like it: your like counts!