Sunday, March 8, 2009

His appearance was changed before them! (Mk 9: 2-8)

The 9:30am Mass is, at our parish, 'dedicated' to children. A few years back, after the reading of Jesus' Transfiguration had been read and during the homily, the priest approached the children and asked:
"Let's see how attentive you all were :-)
Can anyone tell me what the Gospel was about today? :-)"

A little boy raised his hand and the priest called him up to the presbiterian. The child, around 6 or 7 at the time, smiling but not too sure of himself said:

"Jesus changed before his apostles?"

It's hard to explain the reaction - it was something like split-second silence and then a friendly smile from the priest accompanied with words close to:
"em - yes but we'll have to change that round a little :-)
Yes! Jesus did change before the apostles
but NOT change in that way
- Jesus was changed in appearance..."

(and the priest went on explaining... :-)

Jokes aside ...well that really did happen but anyway... today we had that Gospel read again and i just love it so here it comes (not all but just part of it) accompanied by a few pictures...

"Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high moun­tain. There his appearance was changed before their eyes. Even his clothes shone, becoming as white as no bleach of this world could make them. Elijah and Moses appeared to them; the two were talking with Jesus.

Then Peter spoke and said to Jesus, “Master, it is good that we are here; let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” For he did not know what to say; they were overcome with awe.

But a cloud formed, covering them in a sha­dow, and from the cloud came this word,
“This is my Son, the Beloved;
listen to him.”
and suddenly, as they looked around,
they no longer saw anyone
except Jesus with them.
And when i look around i can still see Jesus - not only in the people around me but also in the Most Holy Eucharist!

"What shall we say after this?

If God is with us,

who shall be against us?"

(Romans 8:31 - a line from today's 2nd reading)

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
Click the picture to go to the page and to like it: your like counts!