Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day for Life 2013

As the Church celebrates today, the Day for Life, we hear readings about God knowing us while we were still in the womb, we listen to Him telling us to be His Witnesses, to not be afraid even though there will be persecution, He speaks to us about Love and how we should do everything with Love and we hear about how no prophet/person speaking God's Truth is welcome in his own home.

There can not be more perfect readings for this Sunday when we celebrate the day for life.

Last Sunday, HALF A MILLION people marched for life in Washington D.C. The media didn't report it and the ones who did only did so to criticise it, one calling it an "epic failure".

Here below is the video:

On this day, let us share the prolife message! Email your friends and post on facebook. Say a prayer for the unborn, for expecting mothers, for mothers grieving because they've had an abortion and for politicians to make laws which defend life.

If WE don't stand up for life WHO is going to do that? Unborn children in the womb haven't any voice besides YOURS and MINE!

Have a great Sunday and a great week!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
Click the picture to go to the page and to like it: your like counts!