Sunday, May 29, 2011

Malta votes Yes for Divorce - The day we make st.Paul, Apostle of Malta, blush with embarrassment

“Beware of false prophets: they come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inside they are wild wolves. You will recognise them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7: 15,16)

Malta’s not been hit by a tornado, a tsunami or an earthquake – not physically but yes our land’s been shaken, our values swept and the permanence of marriage has been blown away.

We have called ourselves “Catholic” but now the truth has been revealed and made clear: the REAL Catholics are the minority in Malta.

Friday night felt like Maundy Thursday to me – the night we would betray Christ with a kiss.

A few days ago we walked after Our Lady of Sorrows and went to the Good Friday Celebration. We supposedly wept for our sins and vowed to never betray God again ...then we betray and flee at the hour of our trial.

Our Kiss of Betrayal: “I am Catholic, I agree with divorce. I will vote YES for divorce”

Some of us are consoled because we weren’t all Judases. Some of us were regular apostles – people who walked with Christ but fled during the hour of the trial. They are those of us who chose to abstain. Why? Because what our political leader said is valued more than what Christ says.

Now we have decided and our decision goes before the authorities – no longer a Roman Governor.

Our Prime Minister has spoken saying that he personally is upset at the results of this referendum but added that of course he has to respect the decision the Maltese people have taken.

“Then Pilate handed Jesus over to them to be crucified” (John 19:16)

So now it’s official and darkness is falling on the land. No physical earthquake shakes our land but a greater one shakes and divides it.

It is the greatest disaster Malta will ever endure: the earthquake who’s epicentre is marriage.

So much for being “a light for Europe” and an “art ħelwa” (sweet/beautiful land)! We have caused St.Paul, Apostle of Malta, to blush with shame! 

Many of us say that Malta will never accept abortion but let us wait a few years and we will do - just as we have accepted and chosen divorce. Then too we might boast of being "Catholic" and our land will be as bitter as all the other lands in the world.

What hypocrites we all are – us as a Maltese people!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
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