I've missed blogging and i'm not sure i'll be able to keep blogging - would need to get myself back into the "habit" of blogging in order for me to continue that BUT for the time being i'm just going to give it a try again.
Back from Egypt, it's been kind of ok i guess. My family was DEFINALTELY waiting for me
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(they had a landing countdown lol)
and had prepared some decorations and a little party.
I too am glad to see them again of course - but until i get completely used to it again well...
Malta, IS beautiful but as beautiful as it is, still it's different from what i was used to in the past few months and though i love my family and country, well, i ALSO loved the people in Egypt and had gotten pretty used to it there...
So, after all that - which sounds like i am complaining - but really i'm not, i'll just put a few pictures and comments about the past few days here in Malta.
Back here, the first night was a bit odd - as my family and friends have already heard.
I am not particularly keen on hearing loud cracking horse whips and tedious car horns, "Allah hu akbar" calls, the grumbling and laughter of some birds and the crowing of a rooster BUT i must admit that i had gotten used to them and it DID feel a bit odd to wake up to a growling dog instead.
This is panda.
She's quite quiet and we've had her for several years now BUT before, she and Jolly (a dalmation) would sleep in a room upstairs. NOW, after Jolly's death, my brother thought she'd be lonely and hence, since she's a "girl" she's been assigned OUR room. (my sisters' and my room)
Bottom line is that Panda didn't recognise me and hence she was growling at me the first morning i woke up here after those months away.
Panda aside - who is finally getting used to me - i have discovered that my sister Faith - besides being a whole lot taller - God bless her, has become something close to a sweet maker over here.
She can cook lots of really good stuff and does that REALLY fast too!
...now doesn't that look nice? (It tasted better than it looks too :-)
Christabel is still drawing and painting
- and just getting better at it - God bless her too :-)
Mum is fine but she must have made a promise to herself that she's going to make me gain all, any and MORE weight/fat that i MIGHT have lost in the past few months. All day she is asking me if i want something to eat and making stuff even when i say "no thank you" and "ma, if i were hungry i can make something for myself don't worry."
Talitha is singing as usual - it's nice to hear her again - and Matthew is still picking on her and teasing her because some things never change ;-)
(sorry Tal, couldn't resist putting JUST a little piece on here)
Dad is pretty much the same, still coming to wake everyone up, telling us to go to Mass and ending his day with his popular litany: "people, i have an important announcement to make, i'm going up to sleep. Goodnight shut up i love you go to sleep" (said with no pauses)
Yesterday, we went out (Bugibba) and on the way we saw the "window of the Divine Mercy" - as i call it - BUT because it's Christmas time, the person who takes care of that decorated it for the season. Having my camera i took a photo of it and it can be seen below. I love the way that "crib" is made :-) ...i should try to refresh my memory on knitting - things like that are really nice if you ask me.
(double click picture for a larger version)
I hope to blog again before Christmas - and i think i will - but just in case not: a very blessed Christmas to anyone who is reading these words :-)