Saturday, August 15, 2009

Santa Marija!

Our Parish is dedicated to Our Lady, Queen of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and so the church is full of paintings depicting moments or events in the life of Mary. Although there are several paintings depicting Mary on the clouds and/or in heaven, only one is actually "The Assumption"
This would be the one found on the ceiling of the main altar. Below it - ie on the wall of the main Altar - is a picture of Mary in heaven but that is the "Immaculate Conception". And yet below that is a huge "frame" which portrays Mary holding Baby Jesus. Mary is depicted sitting on her throne and wearing a crown: Our Lady, Queen of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The other two paintings, seen above and found on the side-chapels of the Main alter of the church too represent Mary: in one Mary is portrayed as the New Eve and in the other Mary is depicted as Mother of the Church.

In all of these pictures Mary is in heaven or on the clouds: reminding us of the Assumption.

...Clouds apart, today is a big feast for us Catholics but especially for Maltese Catholics.

In our church is a piece of a bomb which fell during the war. Besides it is a marble slate with a long list of names of the people who died whilst at Mass, during the war.

Near the police station is another marble slate - with another list of names of people who died.

At the strand is a monument - with i would say a few hundreds of names of other people who died during the war.

As one goes into Valletta one sees what is now simply "remains" of the majestic theatre/opera house which the British people had built.

...and on and on: all over Malta are reminders of the war...

The Maltese people suffered a lot especially during the 2nd World War yet they - we - kept the faith: perhaps even strengthened it. Despite so many hardships, the Maltese people trusted God. They would go to Mass and pray each day. They would pray Rosary after Rosary in the shelters they had dug and kept believing.

Malta always had a devotion to Our Lady
- and in turn Our Lady never stopped caring for us.

The 8th September is the day whereby Catholics celebrate the birth of Our Lady. On this day of the year 1565 Malta won the Great Siege against the Turks - who had they conquered us - would have used this country to invade the rest of Europe, persecuting Christians and/or forcing them to become Muslims.

In 1942, during World War Two, most resources were depleted and Malta would have had to surrender. On the 15th of August, feast of Our Lady's Assumption, 1942, the Ohio (see picture below) came in providing supplies! For the Maltese it meant life - they would not have survived without these supplies. Once again Mary had defended us and today, so many years later, we still refer to it as "Il-Konvoy ta' Santa Marija".

The picture links to a great site which provides a brief audio history of the Convoy.

WWII ended on the 8th September 1943 in Malta:

again a feast of Mary! :-), very simply today is a HUGE feast for the Maltese. 7 Parishes have their parish feast today and every practicing Catholic - and many non-practicing people too probably - thanks Mary for Her intercession.


All of that aside...

This is a ppt of today's readings:

this is a beautiful you tube on Mary:

and these are the words of a beautiful Maltese hymn:

(below the Maltese words is my translation of them in English)

Ħallini llum, ħelwa Marija,
Nersaq f’riġlejk sabiex nitolbok
Titlob għalija ‘l Ġesu’ Ibnek.
Għax jien naf żgur li jisma’ minnek!

Jien naf ukoll li Inti tħobbni,
Għax għażlek Hu sabiex tkun Ommi.
Għalhekk bil-qalb ser intennilek,
Ave Marija!

Kull fejn ħarsti ddur,
lilek nilmaħ żgur.
Fuq l-art u s-smewwiet,
jidwu l-innijiet.
Biex nurik il-ferħ kbir
Li bih il-qalb tkun trid ittir
Infaħħruk u inqimuk,
bħala Sultana!


Let me today, sweet Mary,
Come near your feet so as to ask you
To pray for me to your son Jesus
For I know for sure that He will hear you!

I also know that You love me,
For He chose you to be my Mother!
So from my heart I shall sing
Ave Maria!

Wherever I look,
there you shall I see.
On earth and in heaven,
songs echo (your praise)
To show you this great joy
With which our heart now wants to soar:
We praise and honour you,
as Our Queen!


If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
Click the picture to go to the page and to like it: your like counts!