I will not be writing much i'll just say a few things namely that:
This priest was expected to die about three times before he was ordained a priest! As a young boy, one time, he almost drowned. Another time, a young man - to prove how strong he was - arms outstretched held little George in air: from the "San Gejtanu" bell tower!!!
Few days before his Ordination, George was sooo sick that the doctor told his parents to prepare his clothes for burial rather than those required for the Ordination!
So: physically he was never the strongest. As a child NOT ONLY wouldn't the children choose him for games they'd give him "free" to other teams!!
...but well God uses the little! :-)
St. George Preca (1880-1962) lived and loved Christ with all his heart. Because he KNEW Christ he wanted to share Him and His teachings with everyone! He would speak with men about God at the "dockyards", he would teach in the streets, train people to be Catechists, gather children for catechism and work unceasingly to bring people to God!
It was THIS saint who started the M.U.S.E.U.M. ie: the society which, for the past decades has been the main/primary "agent" in Malta - concerning in the catechesis of children, young people and all those wanting to learn about God.
He was a humble priest but one who would not stutter where Truth was concerned. He knew Truth and would not compromise it ...he was firm and would shout if need be too ;-)
A Museum is a place where valuable and priceless items/artefacts are kept and treasured. St.George named this society such because it's aim was - and is - to share the Word of God with all people and he would say that there is nothing more precious than the Word of God. :-) For this reason he spoke to the people about this Living Word of God and had all those teaching wear a badge with the words: "Verbum Dei Caro Factum Est" ("the Word of God took on flesh" - John 1:14) ...which they do unto this very day! :-)
Malta is very small but God never forgot the smallest of people. He would not allow st.Paul to have his own way (see Acts 27:10) and so he was made to come here! (see Acts 28)
Now centuries later he had sent to us another "apostle" to remind us of God's love and proclaim His Word yet again only this time it will not be JUST for us but also for others!
Today the Society is spread all over the world! It's members have opened schools and Museums (of Catechesis) practically everywhere! They go to most countries spreading the Word of God and serving. They continue to serve even the poorest of people in third world countries!!!
This holy priest's wish and prayer had come true:
Magister Utinam Sequatur Evangelium Universus Mundus!
(Master, that the whole world may follow the Gospel!)
I am a Maltese Catholic and
i am thankful to God for this MALTESE Saint! ;-)
St. George Preca was called "Blessed" (ie: Beatified)
by Pope John Paul II, in Malta, on the 9th May 2001
and was declared a saint
by Pope Benedict XVI, in Rome, on June 3rd 2007.
You can read about him by clicking HERE :-)