Thursday, December 25, 2008

Verbum Dei Caro Factum Est!!! (Jn 1:14)

Hebrew בית לחם, "Beit Lehem",
meaning: "house of bread"

"I am the living bread
which has come from heaven"

John 6:51

“God will provide himself
the lamb for the sacrifice.”
Gen 22:8
There was no punctuation in the original texts.
It referred not just to the offering on Abraham's Altar...
The next day John saw Jesus
coming towards him and said,
"There is
the Lamb of God,
who takes away
the sin of the world."
John 1:29

Then the angel told me, Write:

Happy are those invited
to the Lamb's Supper.

Rev 19:9


Rajt tfajjel ċkejken
Iħares fiss lejn Kristu
Dar lejja w qalli:
Ħares ftit ħabib tiegħi
Dak Ġesu!

Rajt Tarbija ċkejkna
Mgewżra u f’maxtura
Kif jista jkun għidt f’qalbi
Li dan Ġesu hu Alla?

Ġesu ħares lejja
U bħal donnu sema talbi
Tbissem u qalli:
Jiena Hu ċkejken tiegħi!

Ħallejt is-sema biex niġi fostkom
Ħallejt dar Missieri biex ngħix f’djarkom
Iżda dan għamiltu mhux illum biss
Ngħamlu kuljum fl-Ewkaristija!

Fl-Ewkaristija Jiena niġi kuljum!
Biex miegħek jien inkun!
Irridek tilqgħani f’qalbek!
Jekk jista’ jkun KULJUM!!!!!!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
Click the picture to go to the page and to like it: your like counts!