Thursday, December 25, 2008

Verbum Dei Caro Factum Est!!! (Jn 1:14)

Hebrew בית לחם, "Beit Lehem",
meaning: "house of bread"

"I am the living bread
which has come from heaven"

John 6:51

“God will provide himself
the lamb for the sacrifice.”
Gen 22:8
There was no punctuation in the original texts.
It referred not just to the offering on Abraham's Altar...
The next day John saw Jesus
coming towards him and said,
"There is
the Lamb of God,
who takes away
the sin of the world."
John 1:29

Then the angel told me, Write:

Happy are those invited
to the Lamb's Supper.

Rev 19:9


Rajt tfajjel ċkejken
Iħares fiss lejn Kristu
Dar lejja w qalli:
Ħares ftit ħabib tiegħi
Dak Ġesu!

Rajt Tarbija ċkejkna
Mgewżra u f’maxtura
Kif jista jkun għidt f’qalbi
Li dan Ġesu hu Alla?

Ġesu ħares lejja
U bħal donnu sema talbi
Tbissem u qalli:
Jiena Hu ċkejken tiegħi!

Ħallejt is-sema biex niġi fostkom
Ħallejt dar Missieri biex ngħix f’djarkom
Iżda dan għamiltu mhux illum biss
Ngħamlu kuljum fl-Ewkaristija!

Fl-Ewkaristija Jiena niġi kuljum!
Biex miegħek jien inkun!
Irridek tilqgħani f’qalbek!
Jekk jista’ jkun KULJUM!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Welcome to Malta!!! ;-)

Whilst many, many, many tourists complain about the state of our roads and streets we Maltese seem to be rather passive about them. We have gotten used to them I guess. Sure we grumble... sometimes loads… about them …but it has become a way of life…

We are constantly subjected to road works and repairs. So we just grumble but in a way we’re ok …we’re really SOOOOO very used to it all! (See I’m writing about it in an almost jokingly manner!!!) …as funny as it sounds it’s probably just a characteristic of Malta… (we even have jokes and songs about “malta roads”!!!)


Just a few days before Advent two years ago, some wise guy in the road works department decided that our street was next...

I’ve sarcastically referred to him as “wise guy” but HONESTLY I loved the fact that our road was supposedly* to be repaired at this time… (*roadworks take aaaaggggeeeessss here!)

Yep that's it! LOL!!
So as you can see: we had some decorations …stars and lights...
…but the road?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Hopeless!!!!!
It was virtually IMPOSSIBLE for me as Catholic not to remember God’s words each time I stepped out [of] the door or went home:

A voice cries,
“In the wilderness prepare the way for Yahweh.
Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Every valley will be raised up;
Every mountain and hill will be laid low.
The stumble blocks shall become level
And the rugged places smooth.”

Isiah 40: 3,4

What does that mean?
Well those who are interested might like to reflect a little and find out for themselves ;-)

But one thing I do know:
Let ME truly
prepare the way of the Lord in my heart!
…that He may truly be welcome :-)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ishru!! (Mk13:33)

Our Maltese “Ishru!” (Mk 13:33) combines: “Stay awake!” and “Keep watch!”. Hence for me, as Maltese, it is more appropriate to use this imperative ;-) (I am thankful that i am Catholic but I am ALSO thankful to be Maltese because ours is a VERY RICH and beautiful language :-)

So Jesus says: “Ishru!” (Mark 13:33)
…it is not an option but rather an imperative!
“Ishru!” Jesus repeats a while later! (Mk 13:37)

And as i heard these words being read i remembered God's cry:

"Could you not watch with me for one hour?"
(Mt 26:40)

"He went back to his disciples and found them asleep, and he said to Peter, “Could you not stay awake with me for even an hour? Stay awake and pray, so that you may not slip into temptation. The spirit indeed is eager, but human nature is weak.” " (Mt 26:40,41)

Today's "Ishru!" (Mk 13:33 and 37) and God's cry "Could you not watch with me for one hour?" (Mt 26:40) were said in different contexts and perhaps they are hardly related yet, on this day: 1st Sunday of Advent, as i remembered the both, they seemed to be linked:

we wait in hope and prepare ourselves for the Birth of Christ Jesus. In So doing i, and all, are invited to visit Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist :-)

"Could you not watch with me for one hour?"
(Mt 26:40)
As God’s “Ishru!” is being announced in all Catholic Churches today, on this the 1st Sunday of Advent, a song echoes: questioning: “Will We Be Sleeping?”

Thursday, November 27, 2008

my King, THE King! :-)

We have all heard (beautiful) sermons and homilies on God who humbled Himself such to become man. YET how many times have we actually delved into this truth? …pondering a while this GREAT KING who refuses to be proud?!

In a few days time Advent will commence! It is a time whereby we shall wait with hope and in preparation so that we may celebrate the birth of the Child Jesus. A time whereby we shall reflect further on this great and wonderous miracle! In so doing we are bound to recall these words:

“Do not fear, Mary, for God has looked kindly on you. You shall conceive and bear a son and you shall call Him Jesus. He will be great and shall rightly be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the kingdom of David, His ancestor; He will rule over the people of Jacob for­­ever and His reign shall have no end.”

(Luke 1:30-33)


We wait in hope and prepare for the coming of the Child Jesus during Advent.

We rejoice at the miraculous birth of this Holy Child on Christmas Day!

YET we celebrate

the Feast of the King of Kings

before any of this commences!!!!

…we just did!
Last Sunday!!!! :-)


“Do not fear, Mary, for God has looked kindly on you. You shall conceive and bear a son and you shall call Him Jesus. He will be great and shall rightly be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the kingdom of David, His ancestor; He will rule over the people of Jacob for­­ever and His reign shall have no end.” (Luke 1:30-33)

Life begins at the moment of conception and right from the very start Mary is told:

"He will be great and shall rightly be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the kingdom of David, His ancestor; He will rule over the people of Jacob For­­ever and His reign shall have no end.” (Luke 1:32-33)

Mary is told …We are told!
A King …or rather THE King… is on His way!

Right from moment 1 (this being conception) we are told!!!!!


Yet who is this King?

One can say loads about this King ...i guess... yet NO ONE can answer that FOR anybody! Each one us us must answer that for him/herself.

Who is this King to YOU?

Have YOU met Him?

Do YOU know Him?

WHO is this King?

I can ONLY answer for myself!
The reason: Christ is the same yesterday, today and always YET Christ is different to each and every one of us …depending on what relationship we have with Him. :-)

Does Christ love us the same? DEFINITELY!

Does Christ care for me, just a ruth (i.e. who sins as bad as anyone else) as He cares for the holiest person on earth? DEFINITELY! …hmmm I’m tempted to say that, precisely for the same reason, God might actually give me a little more attention ;-)

Yet this King is different to each of us:

My name is ruth and I am me YET the relationship I have with different people leads them to see and relate to “ruth” differently. For my parents, WHO HAVE CO-OPERATED WITH GOD (thank you pa u ma) in order that I may have life, I am ruth: daughter, cherished, this that and the other etc… For my friends, whom I see or speak with less frequently I am still ruth but a “different” ruth! I am me all along …but the interpretation of “ruth” will vary according to how well the person knows me! It is the same for anybody! It is the same for Christ too. (vis a vis how we humans relate to Him and not vice versa! God knows the REAL me whether I relate to Him or not!)

WHO is this King?

YOU must answer! NO ONE can answer that FOR YOU!!

i must answer! NO ONE can do that FOR ME!!


It is said that pictures are worth a thousand words:

That ^ is the picture which speaks best of the King whom i have come to know* :-)

(“Know” sounds presumptious ...yet it is God Himself who comes to us! Hence if I …or anyone for that matter… have met and come to know Christ it is NOT because i deserve to know but solely because God in His BIG and infinate mercy reveals Himself to us! God does so particularly through His Word, The Catholic Teachings, the Sacraments and through Holy People …and I have met many of the latter! Also by “know” I do not mean COMPLETELY know!! Far from it!!!! A human mind and heart can never come to fully know God! …well those who know Christ know what I mean ;-) …and they know it is hard/impossible to explain what I mean lol!)


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

“Iżżu ħajr lil Alla f’Kollox!!!” (1 Thess 5:18)

Għaddiet ġimgħa sħiħa.
Bdiet oħra ġdida.
U f’dawn il-ġranet
Għalkemm ma ktibtx darba
Kelma waħda baqqgħet tidwi ġewwa fija:

“Iżżu ħajr lil Alla f’kollox!”
(1 Thess 5:18)

Ma ktibtx …iżda qalbi hija mimlija ringrazzjament.
Ċertament li mhux dejjem nifhem u/jew napprezza kollox
(…trid tara nintebaħx l-ewwel!!!!!)
Iżda nifhem u napprezza li Alla jħobbni u ma jitlaqni qatt. :-)

Nifhem u napprezza li Alla kontinwament jagħtini
(…u jagħtina fil-fatt …għaliex Alla jagħmel dan ma' kulħadd! :-)
bosta barkiet …illi forsi xi drabi anqas nintebħu bihom!
Veru li f’Malta wkoll:
il-parteċipazzjoni (minn naħa tagħna l-lajċi) fil-Knisja qed tonqos iżda minkejja dan hawn ukoll BOSTA li qed jagħtu s-sehem tagħhom! Bosta li …anke jekk mhux qed jagħtu sehem daqstant viżibli fil-Knisja… qegħdin iqaddsuhA permezz tat-talb u x-xhieda, bla ebda daqq tat-trombi, tagħhom. Hawn ħafna li qed iħaddnu l-Fidi Kattolika u jagħmlu ħilithom biex, bil- għajnuna t’Alla jgħixuhA mill-aħjar li jistgħu!! :-)

Bi grazzja t’Alla aħna wkoll, bħal fil-kumplament tal-Parroċċi Maltin, kellna l-Assemblea Parrokkjali …u għalkemm l-attendenza ma kenitx xi waħda fenomenali madanakollu kien hemm numru sabiħ u spirtu ta’ ħeġġa. Xi ħaġa li lili fakkritni li tassew li aħna, għalkemm differenti, membri ta’ Ġisem wieħed. …il-Ġisem Mistiku ta’ Kristu!!! :-)
Iżda mhuwhiex ta’ dan biss li jiena nirringrazzja lil Alla! :-)

F’Malta għandna diversi Quddies f’kull post! KULJUM!
...xi ħadd li jaf li noqgħod quddiem il-knisja, ftit tal-ġranet ilu, qalli:
“ruth inti QATT m’għandek skuża tajba
biex ma tieħux sehem fil-Quddiesa”
OUCH! ;-)
...iżda ma setax ikollu iżjed raġun!! :-)
…u żgur li mhux kulħadd joqgħod pass minn Knisja …iżda f’Malta mpossibbli nemmen li xi ħadd għandu iżjed minn kwarta biex jasal għal Knisja ;-) …

Kristu jinżel mis-sema KULJUM bosta drabi sempliċiment biex

JIENA nista’ nirċeviH!
Biex INTI tista tirċeviĦ!

L-Attendenza u l-parteċipażżjoni fil-Knisja f’ħafna partijiet tad-dinja qegħda tonqos …iżda nemmen li hemm ħeġġa sabiħa …forsi wkoll qaddisa… f’dawk li jieħdu sehem. Nemmen li din hija grazzja!! :-)

…bix-xieraq nirringrazzja lil Alla le? ;-)
Fuq nota kemmxejn differenti …iżda wkoll relatata…
Dan il-vidjo huwa ntenzjonat għat-tfal iżda lilna, li aħna tikk’akbar, żgur li ma jgħamlilniex ħsara! ;-P
F’dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat, minħabba li kellhom xi konvivenzi, il-ma u l-pa mhux dejjem kienu hawn fil-“weekends”. Huma, bħal uħud mill-aħwa l-oħra fil-Komunita tagħhom, semgħu l-Kelma u wasslu l-Kelma li semgħu… Jiena ma kontx magħhom u anqas ħuti …iżda NAF li l-Kelma li semgħu kienet waħda qawwija. NAF għaliex għalkemm ma smajtiex, smajthom jitkellmu fuqha ...u smajt biċċa minnha ;-)

Il-ma kellha katekeżi dwar il-Kant il-ġdid għal din is-sena li jitratta Żakkew.
Kiko jkanta l-Kant il-ġdid ġewwa Sydney 2008)

Ċertament li ma nistax nidħol f’dettal iżda nista ngħid li din il-katekeżi, billi traduċejtilha jien, smajtha b’attenzjoni ta’ l-inqas erba darbiet …u dan biex ma nsemmix kemm il-darba smajt lil ma tgħidili sakemm qed ‘titgħallimha’!!! ;-)

Il-Qari ta’ llum huwa dwar Żakkew (Luke 19:1-10) u bla ma rrid erġajt smajt Kelma li smajtha bosta drabi tul dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat!

L-aktar kelma qawwija:
Zaccheo sei tu!!
Zaccheo sono venuto per TE!!!
(Żakkew inti! Żakkew ġejt GĦALIK!!!)
…li Kristu jiġi għal-midneb!
...Li Kristu jiġi għalija!
...Li Kristu jiġi APPOSTA!



“Rafa għajnejħ u ħares, u ra tlitt irġiel weqfin quddiemu;
u malli rahom mar jiġri jilqagħhom mill-bieb ta’ l-għarix
u nxteħet wiċċu fl-art quddiemhom. U qal:
“Sidi jekk jien sibt ħniena f’għajnejk, tibqax għaddej!”
(Ġen 18: 2,3)

L-Għama ta’ Ġeriko:

“Meta sema li Ġesu kien Ġesu ta’ Nażaret
qabad jgħajjat u jgħid:
“Ġesu, bin David, ikollok ħniena minni!”
(Mark 11:47)

Iżda llum mhuwhiex jien li nwaqqaf lil Kristu
iżda huwa HU STESS li jieqaf quddiemi!!!
Illum Kristu, ALLA!, jssejjaħ lili!!!

“Ġesu kif wasal hemm, ħares ‘il fuq u qallu:
“Żakkew, isa, inżel min hemm
għax illum jeħtieġli noqgħod għandek!”
(Luke 19:5)

…kif nista jiena nibqa’ għaddejja?!
…kif nista jiena nibqa’ passiva?!

…forsi għalhekk li l-Kliem:

“Jiena naf l-opri tiegħek, u naf li la inti kiesaħ u lanqas sħun. M’hux li kont jew kiesaħ jew sħun! U hekk la darba inti biered, u la sħun u lanqas kiesaħ jiena nobżqok minn ġo ħalqi!” (Rev 3:15,16)
…jagħmel aktar sens!

“Min għandu widnejn,
ħa jisma’ x’jgħid l-Ispirtu lill-Knejjes.”
(Rev 3:22)

Li jiena nisma' ifisser li jiena NGĦIX din il-kelma:

“Il-fidi mela tiġi mis-smiegħ,
u s-smiegħ mix-xandir tal-Kelma ta’ Kristu!”
(Rom 10:17)

Biex inxandar jenħtieġ li NGĦIX il-fidi! ;-)
(jekk tixtieq :-)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Does Jesus really 'hurt' when i sin? (a reflection)

I've heard young children asking that and i'm not sure i ever gave it much thought. Yet today's Gospel was God asking us to forgive continually (Luke 17:1-6) and it got me thinking a little about forgiveness...
One line which immediately came to mind was that verse in the prayer which Jesus taught us to pray whereby it says: "Forgive us our sins AS we forgive those who trespass against us"
...hmmm we SURE NEED TO forgive to be forgiven!! ;-)
Then i remembered that line which says that should i, whilst taking up my offering, remember that my brother has sinned against me, i should leave it there and go to him to make amends with him.
...hmmmm so it's HIS fault and I go make amends??
...hmmm.... ;-)
...And then came to mind Jesus' words: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do!"
...em? ...isn't that EXACTLY like the what Jesus was talking about when He spoke of making peace with a brother before taking up my offering? in: When Jesus was OFFERING HIMSELF UP to God He comes to forgive us!!!!!!!!! It was NOT JESUS who had something against us but US ...ME... who sinned against Him ...and He comes to forgive us!!!!!!!! ...further more He even excuses us: "...for they know not what they do!" ...WOW!!! thing leads to another and somehow it got me thinking about that question...
"Does Jesus really 'hurt' when i sin?"
Some people say that when we sin we don't really 'hurt' Jesus. They say that " It's only a way of speaking ...Jesus is not actually 'hurt'. "
Well i am no one to say...
...but what i think and/or believe?
I believe that TRULY God is hurt when i sin. Very simply:
sin = saying 'NO' to God and 'YES' to the evil one
Honestly i believe that in doing such i hurt God. 'Hurt God' in the sense that well i'm disobeying aren't i? A loving parent is hurt when his/her child disobeys ...especially if the child does so deliberately.

Yet, putting that aside i believe that God's hurt is much deeper than that.

Adam "hid" because he had sinned. (Gen 3:8)
Moses "fled" because he had sinned. (Ex 2:15)
Peter "wept bitterly" because he had sinned. (Lk 22:62)
Judas "hanged himself" because he had sinned. (Mt 27:5)

...Each time someone sinned they got themselves hurt!!!
Sin hurts us!

When we sin we hurt ourselves!
When i sin i hurt myself!!

God Loves us dearly! He does!! (John 10:15)
And He wants us to be happy! (John 15:11)

A loving parent (human) does not want his/her child to be hurt! If and when the child is hurt the parent is hurt too ...because a caring parent will feel with and for his son or daughter!!

...and if a parent (human) can do such...
...if a parent (human) can be hurt when his/her child is hurt... much more so God then?! GOD!!!!!!
...God who is Himself LOVE!!!! (1Jn 4:8)

God loves us sooooo much!!! Yes i believe God is truly hurt when we hurt ourselves. When one of my relatives or friends has been hurt, i, ruth, because i CARE about him or her will feel hurt too. If i, human and sinful am hurt then God, GOD who is INFINATE LOVE is MUCH MORE HURT when He sees me or anyone else hurting!
...Because GOD CARES!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

“Il-Ħeġġa għal Darek KILITNI”!!!! (Jn 2:17)

Versions for this sentence vary. In Maltese we have two terms being used: “fnietni” (consumes me) and “kilitni” (devours me).

Likewise in English:

"Zeal for your house will consume me."
(Jn 2:17, New American Bible)

“Zeal for your house devours me.”
(Jn 2:17, Christian Community Bible (Catholic Pastoral Edition))

…is there a difference?
Well I’m not sure…
…but if you ask me?...

BOTH terms are hardly pleasant!!

“fnietni” (consumes me) – ouch! It almost hurts!!!
When something “consumes me” it hurts …it drains all my energy!!!

“kilitni” (devours me) – ouch ouch!!!! That SURE hurts!!!
The Maltese term I should think is MUCH stronger than the English tem! It practically links “consumes” and “devours” taking the meaning of devoured me “from the inside”!

"Zeal" remains unchanged.

…and I guess we all know what zeal is :-)
…I think I’d define it as something like: BIG enthusiasm, a deep longing, a very very VERY strong fervour… and because it is "zeal" …all that takes HOLY before it :-) …a Holy BIG enthusiasm, a Holy deep longing. ...well fervour is holy already I would say :-)


Il-Ħeġġa għal Darek kilitni”!!!!
(Jn 2:17)

...why am I going into these details?
Because words have meaning!
And THESE words are EXTREMELY strong!!!
Zeal for Your House devours me!
(Jn 2:17)
…Yes it Does!
If I truly love God it sure does!!!

Why does it “devour” me?!

Salm 42:1 reads:
“As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So my soul pants for You, O God.”
(You can listen to a sung version of this line:
If I TRULY love God than YES! My heart will yearn! My heart will long!
My heart will long to worship! AND My heart will sure long to be with Him who loves me so!


While they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. And he said, "Take this, it is my body." Then he took a cup and after he had given thanks, passed it to them and they all drank from it. And he said, "This is my blood, the blood of the Covenant, which is to be poured out for you." (Mark 14:22-24)

God has given us Himself! YES I BELIEVE that Jesus is truly Present with Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Most Holy Eucharist!

Precisely because God IS present in such a way, precisely BECAUSE God still comes to us in the Most Holy Eucharist, God STILL dwells amongst us in the most real way ever! (hence the “Real Presence” ;-)

God is Present in the Holy Bread! ...and this Holy Bread is found in the Tabernacle!
Yeah well God does not leave Heaven to come dwell in the Tabernacle but rather to dwell in our hearts. ...YET God IS Truly Present in the Catholic Church! …not just the Catholic Church as in the Catholic Family but ALSO in the Catholic Church as in the stone structure. …For the Holy Eucharist is found in our Tabernacles!


“Il-Ħeġġa għal Darek kilitni!”!!!! (Jn 2:17)
“Zeal for Your House devours me!” (Jn 2:17)

…if I truly love God then it SURE does!!!!!!!


David prayed:
(PSALM 84)

1I want to see the living God.
The joy of the pilgrimage
and of going up to the Temple.
2 How lovely are your rooms,*
O Lord of hosts!

3 My soul yearns, pines,
for the courts of the Lord.
My heart and my flesh
cry out for the living God.
4 Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow a nest
where she may lay her young,
at your altars, O Lord of hosts,
my King and my God!
5 Happy are those who live in your house,
continually singing your praise!
6 Happy the pilgrims whom you strengthen,
to make the ascent to you.
7 As they pass through the Valley,
they make it a place of springs,
the early rain covers it with blessings.
8 They go from strength to strength
till they appear before God in Zion.
9 O Lord of hosts, hear my prayer;
give ear, O God of Jacob!
10 Look upon our shield, O God;
look upon the face of your anointed!
11 One day in your courts is better
than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be left at the threshold
in the house of my God
than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.
12 For the Lord God is a sun and a shield;
he bestows favor and glory.
The Lord withholds no good thing
from those who walk in uprightness.
13 O Lord of hosts,
blessed are those who trust in you.

Here’s a sung version:
I’d like this to be my prayer too!
…yet is it?

Am I yearning to be with God?
Does the Zeal for God’s house consume me?
Does the Zeal for God’s house devour me?

…if it doesn’t do so yet then I pray that it shall!!!!!


* I’m not sure about the word “rooms” we use “id-dar tiegħek” (your dwelling place) in Maltese.
Maltese is a very strong language and I’d rather have put this up in it. Yet the Christian Community Bible (Catholic Pastoral Edition) is very close to the Maltese Translation and hence its just great! (well for me, being Maltese, it sure is!) This Bible has as its Imprimatur the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.

God dwells in those who choose to welcome Him :-)

"Do you not know that your body is
a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
whom you have received from God?" (1 Cor 6:19)

Mary was definately the
and the linked song proclaims this truth:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Plastic and/or Money

Many of us are using it on a daily basis yet if st.Paul lived in our times I bet he would not even dream of having ...let alone using… plastic money! My reason for thinking so? Well:

"I have learnt to manage on whatever I have, I know how to be poor and I know how to be rich too. I have been through all kinds of conditions and now I am ready for anything anywhere: full stomach or empty stomach, poverty or plenty." (Philippians 4:11,12)

He seems quite flexible huh? ;-)

...and just in case I’m doubting st.Paul adds:

"There is nothing I cannot master with the help
of the One who gives me strength.”
(Philippians 4:13)


Wow! St.Paul sure can adapt!!!!
And Boy he seems SOOO confident!!!!

…but how?

"There is nothing I cannot master with the help
of the One who gives me strength.”
(Philippians 4:13)

Well here’s the “how and why” ;-)

“...with the help of the one
who gives me strength."
(Philippians 4:13)



Just as Jesus was setting out on his jour­ney again, a man ran up, knelt before him and asked, “Good Master, what must I do to have eternal life?”

Jesus answered, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments: Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not cheat, honor your father and mother.”
The man replied, “I have obeyed all these commandments since my childhood.”

Then Jesus looked steadily at him and loved him and he said, “For you, one thing is lacking. Go, sell what you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come and follow me.”
On hearing these words, his face fell and he went away sorrowful for he was a man of great wealth.

(Mark 10:17-22)


On another occasion, and as we have read and/or heard in today’s Gospel, Jesus said:

'No servant can be the slave of two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or treat the first with respect and the second with scorn. You cannot be the slave both of God and of money.' (Luke 16:13)


Well SURE money is important!
Yet if I got money I am expected to use it well :-)

…If I have money let me share it with thise who have less of it
...let me share it with those who need it more :-)
...THAT is justice!!!!


“...give... the poor...”
(Mark 10:21)

…well perhaps we do not much like to do that but in truth and as st.Francis said:

"it is in giving that we receive!" :-)


…i'm sure we've all given gifts at one time or another :-) …and well, if we are giving a gift, I guess the money must come out of our pockets ;-) …yet we don’t usually mind that much! …and even if we did mind that, when we see our friends or relatives happy with the gift we have given them we feel soooooo glad!!!!!!!!
We’d think to ourselves that “Oh well what do I care if i have spent the money? ...What do i care if it was a little expensive? Look how happy she is!! …Look how happy he is!!!!" We KNOW it was worth it! Deep down we’re so very glad to have given!
For indeed "there is more joy in
giving than in receiving" !!!


If I have money let me use it well for as Jesus said:

"The man who can be trusted in little things can be trusted in great; the man who is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in great." (Luke 16:10)


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Faith!! :-)

Ten years and nine months ago we:
two parents, four children and one angel
were glad to hear that God was giving this family
a new member :-)

Something close to nine months later

this family had the gift of a new child

And today, 10 years later,
God continues to give you life
and bless you with His love dear sister! :-)

I am thankful to God Faith,
that He gives you life!

I am thankful to God Faith,
that He loves you so very much!

I am thankful to God Faith,
that you too love Him soo much!!


You remember Cherub Faith...
...he's on internet lol!!!

Check him out :-):


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

America is Praying!!!!!!!!

How do I know America is praying?!
I read!!!! ;-)

Bishop Finn: A Week of Prayer for Our Country)

How is America Praying?

Well check it out yourself!!!!

And I pray with them!
…as do so many other people from all over the world!!!!!


But why?
Why are they …and we praying?

Well you MUST look at this:
YOU TUBE EVER!!!!!!!!!!)
(says who? says i! lol!!!! ;-)


THAT is at stake
THIS election!!!


Obama said it himself!!!!!


American Bishops have spoken

Bishop James Conley, auxiliary of Denver
Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo
Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh
Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs
Bishop Oscar Cantu, auxiliary of San Antonio
Bishop William Murphy of Rockville
Bishop Edward Slattery of Tulsa
Bishop Kevin Farrell of Dallas
Bishop Gregory Aymond of Austin
Bishop Thomas Wenski of Orlando
Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker
Bishop Jerome Listecki of La Crosse
Bishop Richard Lennon of Cleveland
Bishop Ralph Nickless of Sioux City
Bishop Glen Provost of Lake Charles, LA
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn
Bishop Joseph F. Martino of Scranton
Bishop Peter J. Jugis of Charlotte
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Raleigh
Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO
Bishop Robert C. Morlino of Madison, WS
Bishop Ronald Gilmore of Dodge City, KS
Bishop Paul Coakley of Salina, KS
Bishop Michael Jackels of Wichita
Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito of Palm Beach
Bishop Kevin W. Vann of Fort Worth
Bishop Paul S. Loverde of Arlington
Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo of Richmond
Bishop William Murphy of Rockville Center
Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester
Bishop Arthur Serratelli of Patterson
Bishop Robert Herrmann of St. Louis
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix
Bishop Thomas D. Doran of Rockford
Bishop Joseph A. Galante of Camden
Bishop Robert J. Baker of Birmingham
Bishop J. Peter Sartain of Joliet
Bishop John M. Smith of Trenton
Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing
Bishop Leonard R. Blair of Toledo

Joint Statement by the bishops of New York State (22 bishops)
Joint Statement by the bishops of Pennsylvania (10 bishops)

If those names don't look too important, well this one sure looks VERY important:

Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, chairman of the Committee on Doctrine

Even a RETIRED Bishop felt the need to speak out!!!

Bishop Rene H. Gracida, retired, of Corpus Christi

(bugs bunny would wonder: "hmmm what's cookin' doc?!)

But lets just focus on a few:

Bishop Finn Warns:

"Our country is at the edge of the precipice concerning the protection of the life and dignity of the human person. A significant new attack on innocent human life will likely send us into a moral freefall.”


Bishop Hermann Cries: “Save our Children!”


And Adds:

"Jesus tells us that whatever we do to the least of our brethren, we do to Him. We would truly shudder if we heard the words, “I was in your my mother’s womb but you took my life!”


Bishops Kevin Farrell of Dallas and Kevin Vann of Fort Wort will RIGHTLY ACCUSE those Catholics who will support a pro-abortion candidate accomplices to murder:

"To vote for a candidate who supports the intrinsic evil of abortion or 'abortion rights' when there is a morally acceptable alternative would be to cooperate in the evil and, therefore, morally impermissible."


Bishop Murphy Clarify calls it an “obligation” to Vote Pro-Life!


Whilst Bishop Chaput says its “ABSURD” to vote for a non-pro-life candidate


Bishop Martino will call it “MADNESS”!!!


And oh! ...i almost forgot the ARCHbishops!!! (LOL!!! ;-)

Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C.

Archbishop Jose Gomez of San Antonio

Archbishop John Nienstedt of Saint Paul/Minneapolis

Archbishop George Niederauer of San Francisco

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, KS

Archbishop Edwin O'Brien of Baltimore

Archbishop Alexander J. Brunett of Seattle

This one looks rather important:

Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura

And just in case the Bishops and ARCHbishops aren’t good enough you can check out what the CARDINALS had to say!!!

" "legalized" abortion continues to erode the honor of our nation. Look, and do not absolve yourself if you refuse to act":

When a baby is left to die of exposure on a shelf because of a failed abortion, and this is considered a ‘right’ by any leader, God, the Source of all law and authority, thunders: ‘This is a child!:

A LITTLE MORE THAN A SIMPLE CLUE?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?)


(you can access to confirm the above ;-)


4000 Americans died
at Ground Zero one day and America


4000 Americans are aborted DAILY
and America just ignores!!!!!


And Obama is not bothered at all!!!!!!

(I’m disturbed to say the least! And I’m not even American!!!! And Obama wants to allow more Americans to die like this?! …will remove the “partial ban”, deny medical aid to infants SURVIVING abortion …How can anyone be soooooo blind and support that?!?!??!?!?!?)

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time is running out!
Just a few days left!

Get moving!!!!
Know the facts!!!
Speak the Truth!!!!
Send emails!!!!
And YES PRAY!!!!

(in the case of non-catholics,
Little AMERICAN ones, as yet unborn,
as was this CHILD,
will be counting on YOU:

counts on you!!!!!


"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today,
that I have set before you life and death,
the blessing and the curse.
So choose life in order that you may live,
you and your descendants!”
(said GOD in Deut 30:19)
In memory of Hosanna,
a young and dear sister
27/07/1996 - 30/10/1996

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Do not absolve yourself if you refuse to act!"

We keep running!
But God will stop us in our tracks!

ANOTHER cardinal has spoken

if you care enough about what God is saying,
just read the link:

Friday, October 24, 2008

A bunny and a profs ;-)

Before reading the post you might like to read a related article :-)
(You can do so by clicking on the above title.
...but then don't forget to come back!!! ;-)

The bunny was munching his carrot when the profs came along …

“There's Probably no God! Now stop worrying and enjoy your life!”

But the bunny wasn’t too sure and pondering he replied…

“hmmm doc pehaps you should rephrase that!”

Yet the profs, was quite pleased with what he had said, hence he repeated:

“There's probably no God! Now stop worrying and enjoy your life!”

The bunny, still munching at his carrot, said

“hmmm doc …do I look worried to you?!”

“Em… no. …not really” said the profs
(“…but then again he’s just a rabbit…” he mumbled to himself)

“well doc …I still think you should rephrase that sentence!”
said the bunny

(“ok I’ll leave the worrying bit out” …thought the profs)
“There's probably no God! Enjoy your life!”

The bunny started tapping his feet in an impatient manner…

“Is that the best you can do doc?!”

“There's probably no God! Go along and you enjoy life!” (profs is dubious)

“nope” (bunny is not! ;-)

“There's probably no God! MAKE SURE you enjoy life!” ????

“No doc!!!” …Heavens! …I thought you were a good ‘doc’!!!”

“Well what then bunny?!?!” said the profs rather exasperated!

“There is OBVIOUSLY a God!
He is Caring so stop worrying!
He is Just so Live the Faith!!!!!”

…oh I love bugs bunny!!!! ;-)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Division (Luke 12:51)

(blogger is weird today!
...its got several missing functions :-(
hence the layout of this post is rather :-S)

Isiah had prophesized about the Messiah:

"A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice"

(Isiah 42:3)

Now Jesus, the same Jesus who, at the Last Supper, would pray:

“Holy Father,
protect them by the power of your name
—the name you gave me—
so that they may be one
as We are one.”

(John 17:11)

comes along stating:

“Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth?
No, I tell you, but rather division.”

(Luke 12:51)

…isn’t THAT confusing?!?!?!?!
…it might make me wonder whether we’re talking about the same person here!!!!

...Yet we ARE!!!
…IT IS THE SAME person!
…and to be more correct, it is NOT just a person, but God as well!

"Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God
as something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness."

(Philippians 2: 5-7)

Whilst Jesus took the nature of man, He REMAINED God!


Isiah had spoken of Jesus as one who would be merciful!
As Him who would bring Justice!

"A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice"

(Isiah 42:3)


Jesus at the Last Supper prayed to God the Father
that His people would be one!
...That the Church of God would be united!

“Holy Father,
protect them by the power of your name
—the name you gave me—
so that they may be one
as We are one.”

(John 17:11)


Yet on this occasion, the same Jesus exclaimed:

“Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth?
No, I tell you, but rather division.”

(Luke 12:51)

…why did He say that?!
…what does it mean?!?!?!


Well whilst I am ABSOLUTELY no one to say what it means, yet the following is what I have been taught…

YES, Jesus was and is merciful!
YES, Jesus came to bring justice!
YES, Jesus wants us to be One
(…He Himself prayed for that!)
YET the SAME Jesus had said on another occasion:

"Remember the words I spoke to you:
'No servant is greater than his master.'
If they persecuted me,
they will persecute you also."

(John 15:20)

YES! Jesus came to gather and unite His people!
YET that ALSO means that there will be persecution!
Jesus had spoken of "hate" before he said the former!

"If you belonged to the world,
it would love you as its own.
As it is, you do not belong to the world,
but I have chosen you out of the world.
That is why the world hates you."

(John 15:19)

“The world Hates you”
Jesus said!
and those are VERY VERY VERY strong words!!!!!


IF Jesus came to bring Peace within His people and His Church,
He definitely would not bring peace in the WHOLE world!!!!!

Jesus brought with Him the Truth!
(Actually Jesus IS the Truth!!!)
…but the world does not want the Truth!!!
We have nailed Jesus to the cross!!!!!!!!!!!

We’re glad to live in lies!
We’re glad to believe most of the lies we are told!
We’re glad to live in and with the artificial!
We're all into “plastic” and “disposable” stuff!
We buy all the rubbish!!!!!!
…even much of our food has become “junk” food!!!!
We’re just glad to gulp down ALL the lies!!!
(...they're presented to us in a nice manner!!!)


That is NOT what Jesus wants!
That is NOT the Truth which Jesus presents!

The Truth which Jesus presents is TRUTH!
It CAN NOT be altered!
(Punto e basta!!!!!)

Yes indeed!

“Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth?
No, I tell you, but rather division.”

(Luke 12:51)

Those who stick to CHERISHING the Truth,
Those who stick to doing their best to LIVE by the Truth,
Those who stick to DEFENDING the Truth,
(Jesus Promised!)

"For from now on a household of five will be divided:
three against two and two against three;
the father divided against the son, son against father,
mother against daughter, daughter against mother,
mother-in-law against daughter-in-law,
daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

(Luke 12:52-53)

Those who truly cherish, love, and defend the Truth
will do so at ALL COSTS!
They will do it!
...Even if it means that that they’d be hated by their VERY OWN people!
They will do it because they are convinced!
Because they KNOW that NOTHING is more important or sacred
than cherishing, living by, loving, defending and/or proclaiming the Truth!

Yes they will do it and God’s words will be perfectly understandable:

" 'Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth?
No, I tell you, but rather division.
For from now on a household of five will be divided:
three against two and two against three;
the father divided against the son, son against father,
mother against daughter, daughter against mother,
mother-in-law against daughter-in-law,
daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.' "

(Luke 12:51-53)


On a slightly different note, in Today’s Gospel, Jesus also said:

"I have come to bring fire to the earth,
and how I wish it were blazing already!”

(Luke 12:49)

I think that Jesus was referring to more than just the fire of Love in this sentence. His next sentence spoke of a baptism:

“There is a baptism I must still receive,
and how great is my distress till it is over!”

(Luke 12:49)

Hence it is NOT just a fire of Love which Jesus is speaking about in the first line. Jesus is also speaking about a fire which purifies. The ‘Fire’ of the Holy Spirit! Jesus seems to be almost waiting in pain for this “baptism”! …this purification! …this Love! …this FIRE!

"I have come to bring fire to the earth,
and how I wish it were blazing already!”

(Luke 12:49)

I do not know where the Maltese Hymn “Tina l-Ħlewwa” came from
…nor did I look up its history...
…yet I think its safe to say that the writer
was SURE to have read these words before writing it!!!

…it is my prayer too:

Tina l-Ħlewwa ta’ l-Ilsna
(Kliem ta’ Dun Karm Psaila)

Tina l-ħlewwa ta' l-ilsna tas-sema
Biex il-ġieħ li jixraqlek nagħtuk,
Qalb ħanina li taħfer li tagħder,
Kif ħabbejtna nixtiequ nħobbuk!



(The above I’d translate as follows:

Give us the sweetness/gentleness of the Heavenly Tongues,
So that we may give you the Praise and Worship due to You,
A merciful heart capable of forgiving and being compassionate,
As You have loved us, so too we would like to love You!!

O Holy/Sacred Heart of Jesus,
You who blessed the little children,
Enkindle within us the Fire of Your Love
Hold/Hug us close to You!)

(The third photo: Kappella "Il-Mulej Blata Tieghi",
(Chapel: "The Lord is my Rock"),
the Chapel of Adoration with which God
has and continues to bless Our Parish :-)
Grazzi Kbira lil Alla!
Grazzi Kbira lil Father li Alla uza biex tahielna!)

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!

If you're pro-life you GOT TO do this!
Click the picture to go to the page and to like it: your like counts!